My mission lies within you
cours adapté à tous les niveaux
12 euros le cours
Les cours durent 1h15 et sont en français
We are all intertwined. Just like a tree needs the sun to grow and the rain to give it moisture, just like each cell of our body has its own specific function to keep homeostasis and proper function of each organ, we are all inter-dependant on each other.
Each human being has a purpose, none more or less important than another. I consider myself lucky to have found mine.
It is with joy and gratitude that I share my years of experience of yoga and its benefits with you.

“I decided to be happy because it’s good for my health’’- Voltaire
Yoga is a magical discipline. You don’t need to know why it works. It just does. The day you decide to delve deeper into this ancient discipline and expand your knowledge, the profound and universal sacred texts will quench your thirst.
Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga … the paths are numerous; find the path that suits you best to bring you peace and well-being, unconditional love and compassion for all that surrounds you whilst connecting to your Higher Self, Atman. By purifying our mind and body we obtain more clarity, strength and health, which in turn helps us confront the challenges life offers us on a daily basis.
‘Yoga citta vritti nirodhah’
Pada 1.2 Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
‘Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind’

“ I met Monica 3 years ago and asked her if yoga could help me feel better. I was diagnosed with Parkinson 20 years ago. She did her research, asked me some precise questions on my goals and came up with a personal program for me. Monica is not only very pedagogue but incessantly continues to communicate her life force. I am infinitely grateful dear Monica for all the help you have brought me. “
- David, 47 years old